The Four Types of Commercial Real Estate Explained

Jordan Crouch and I met a while back as we both delved into the world of blogging.  I can say with pride that I’m elated to be able to reference his post on The Four Food Groups a.k.a. the four major types of commercial real estate.  For the lay-person, the residential real estate professional or the real estate enthusiast, Crouch’s explanations of the four types – office, industrial, retail, multifamily – can help anyone understand what is unique about each type.  Jordan, if you are reading this, I’d love to partner on a more thorough write-up diving into the details of each facet of commercial real estate and how they might vary for both the occupier and the investor.

3 Responses

  1. Jacob,
    Shoot me an email with some more details. I’m open to partnering on something.

  2. Jacob,

    I took at look at Jordan’s post and agree — it could possibly help my family to understand what I’ve been doing all day over the past couple of decades!

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